Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Rumsfeld responds . . .

Well no surprises here, Rumsfeld disagrees with the conclusions in the Pentagon report I discussed in the prior post. He claims we can just shuffle folks around and solve any shortfall problems. Uh huh.

article from

It's interesting actually, this AP article has much more detail from the Pentagon report, including info about divorce rates among troops (rising), attrition at the officer level (rising), and reserve troop levels (falling).

This is not good folks. Sooner or later Rummy's shuffling will have run its course and we'll need to reinstate the draft. This paragraph paints a pretty alarming picture, no?:

"The Army fell short of its recruiting goals in 2005 despite boosting recruiting efforts, doubling enlistment bonuses, increasing the top age for recruits and accepting a higher number of college dropouts."


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