Monday, November 28, 2005

The writing is on the wall . . .

From the NY Times on Monday, November 28, 2005, in an article discussing the debate over withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq:

"On one hand, senior officers are painfully aware that sustaining the current high level of troop deployments in Iraq risks undermining morale of those now in uniform - and already has poisoned the efforts of Army recruiters seeking to woo young Americans into military service."

See what I mean? More and more, in the mainstream press, we see and hear greater acknowledgement of the notion of reinstating the draft. It's only a matter of time

Friday, November 04, 2005

The kick off

You know there's been a lot of debate and speculation about the draft coming back. A google search on 'military draft' yields 24 million hits! But I think the best thing to do to get this going is to go to the source: the Selective Service System ( Check out this article:

artice from Seattle P.I.

The article reveals that not only has the SSS proposed including women in the draft, but they've also proposed raising the draft age from 25 to 34!!!! The reasons cited here and elsewhere are the same: math. Numbers. Remember - everyone serving today volunteered. Yet every day we see more and more stories about armed forces recruiters missing their targets. Some even use shady means of getting the down trodden to enlist.

The writing is on the wall - it's only a matter of time before they have no choice.

Rumsfeld is quoted as saying "I don't know anyone in the executive branch of the government who believes that it would be appropriate or necessary to reinstitute the draft" but COME ON - do you believe this guy? Do we have any reason - at all - to take him at his word?